I wanted to personalize my YouTube Channel so that it could look more enticing to my audience. I stuck to a pretty minimal look however I think that it captures the theme of my project really successfully.

I started off by making the banner. I found a YouTube template on Google to get the right dimensions and continued to edit it on Photoshop. I applied a black background and then placed my logo in the centre.

After I did this, I included 4 scanned Polaroid pictures that I took of the actors on the day of filming. I think that the polaroid pictures add to the vintage aesthetic a lot and really fit in with the theme. Here is the final outcome:

I also added a watermark to my videos. This means that when people watch my videos, my logo will appear at the bottom of the player.

Furthermore, I added links to my banner with all my main social media pages attached. This will allow people to access my other pages really easily from my YouTube channel which will increase my audience.

This is the final look of what the banner looks like with the social media links.