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Looking at Music Video Titles

I did some research looking specifically at music video titles in hip-hop/rap videos. I found that it isn't a very common thing for hip-hop music videos to include a title but when they do, they are always super different from one another and relate to the video/ lyrics a lot.


The first line in the lyrics of this song is "I can swallow a bottle of alcohol" and this shot appears. The title of the song is printed onto a whiskey bottle with Eminem's face on it. This is my favourite title out of the ones that I have seen as it's extremely creative. The title isn't simply a text on top of the video but it is physically included in the video which I really love.

Grandmaster Flash

Here instead of the title at the beginning of the video, they have put the name of the artist/s. This one's really interesting as the words actually bounce around the frame in the shot. I really like the idea of the words moving and it's something I would consider for my video. I also really like the 'shadow effect' of the font which is another thing I am considering for my title. The colours are really warm and transmit a very energetic/ joyful feeling.


Ice-T took a really different approach - he placed his name and the title of the song in a small box in the bottom left corner of the frame and he keeps it there for a good portion of the intro. I like how simple this one is and how much it represents the genre - the cold blue colour gradient and black and white details almost look like a broken-down wall/ a train.

Kanye West

This one has a very old feeling to it because of the vintage font. The text is also yellow and 3D which makes the letters look like gold blocks. It is very literal as the font looks like what's in the title - 'gold'. I don't really like the pink background however as I don't think it fits that well with the yellow.

For my music video, I want to represent the visuals in my shots but also represent the hip-hop genre. I think I will be doing a graffiti style title that will mirror both the shots I will take with the graffiti walls and the fact that graffiti was a huge part of the hip-hop scene in the 80s/90s etc.

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